About promptengineeringguide.online

Welcome to https://promptengineeringguide.online! If you’re a SEO copywriter looking to speed up your writing process and make it more efficient, you’re in the right place.

Hey there, fellow business bloggers! Maybe I am not fluent in English, but I am fluent in creating ChatGPT prompts; especially for business blogging. I searched the internet and I’ve collected some down-home, action-oriented prompts. I made a no-bullshit WordPress website  with my collection of article prompts that will become evergreens. Simply visit PromptEngineeringGuide.Online today to find incredible prompts for quick writing of your business blog. Think of it as a trusty old tractor in your content creation arsenal.  If you’re thinking now: “What’s this businness blogger after, my money or something?” Shuck my corn! I’m just really excited about writing with AI. You can use my article prompt site for free and it’s online now, visit the free ai article prompts on the homepage: https://promptengineeringguide.online

Faster Writing and SEO Optimization with Prompts

Our collection of writing prompts is designed to help you produce high-quality content in less time. These prompts can also help you optimize your content for search engines (SEO) by incorporating relevant keywords and internal/external links.

How to Use ChatGPT Prompts for Faster Writing

Using our ChatGPT prompts for faster writing is simple and easy. Just pair them with OpenAI’s chatbot, and you’re good to go. Our prompts can be used for a variety of content types, including blogs, email marketing, social media, and more.

A Compact Prompt Collection that Grows with ChatGPT

Our tiny prompt library is a online guide to return to over and over again. Especially for content creators looking to improve their writing and increase productivity. Plus, it’s constantly curated to keep it this small although it is very hard to keep up with all ChatGPT developments, such as ChatGPT plugins for writing.

Share Your Own Prompts and Get Rewarded

Well, we love hearing from other content creators! If you have your own prompts to share, send them in and we’ll consider adding them to our collection. If your prompts are published, you’ll even receive a backlink to your website as a reward.

Please, help us spread the word about this valuable resource!

What is prompt engineering?

Prompt engineering involves creating text-based instructions that are fed into an AI tool, allowing it to perform tasks such as drafting a document, providing advisory information, or setting the appropriate tone in a conversation. It typically does not involve writing code, but rather plain text instructions that establish the context and improve the accuracy of the output.

How to learn prompt engineering for article writing?

Here are four brief and concise YouTube videos that can help you get started:

Resources live on this site

Want to know more about quick writing prompts for non-fiction article creation? Read more:

Resources off this site

Want to know more about SEO prompts for SME’s that will help your business blog rank on Google? Read more: